ICEP 2021 – Student Award

Conference Fee Waivers for Students

To support students with limited access to funding opportunities, ICEP 2021 is excited to be able to offer EIGHT (8) fee waivers – worth up to €380 each.

Seven student attendees will be supported by re-investment of funds carried over from ICEP 2019 in Plymouth (ICEP Studentship Funds) and this is open to applicants from any area of environmental psychology.

The eighth award is part of the Vienna-Delcroix Prize in Oceans, Health and Well-Being and will be awarded to a student researching in the area of marine and ocean psychology.

Key criteria

  1. Acceptance of talk or poster at the ICEP 2021
  2. Research excellence and innovation
  3. GDP per capita ranking of the country where the student is registered (priority will be given to lower-ranking countries)

Decisions on the seven ICEP fee waivers will be made by members of the Conference Steering Committee. Decisions on the Vienna-Delcroix fee waiver will be made by Mathew White & Sabine Pahl (Uni. Vienna).

Applications should contain:

  • Proof of student registration;
  • An extended 500 word abstract of the work to be presented;
  • And a 2 page CV.

How to Participate

Please send ICEP fee waiver applications to by 2nd July 2021.

Please send Vienna-Delcroix fee waiver applications to by 2nd July 2021.

Decisions of the committee will be final. Funds not awarded in 2021 will be carried over to ICEP 2023.