Conference Chair
Prof. Giuseppe Carrus
Giuseppe Carrus is PhD in Social Psychology. He is Full Professor at the Department of Education Sciences, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
He is author of several scientific publications, including articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals, volumes and chapters in collective volumes.
He took part and/or coordinated several nationally and internationally funded research projects, including the MIUR-PRIN 2007 funded project “ASPEN” and the UE-funded projects “GLAMURS” (FP7) and “ECHOES” (H2020). He has been member of the Board and Secretary of the International Association of People-environment Studies (IAPS), and Chairman of the 25th IAPS Conference, held in Rome, Italy, 2018.
He is currently Chief Specialty Editor of Frontiers in Psychology-Environmental Psychology.
Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Luigi Alini
Luigi Alini is an architect, PhD in architecture technology, associate professor and researcher at Catania University (School of Architecture of Siracusa).
He is specialized on the connections between technology innovation related to the building industrial process and the building integrated project management using evolved materials and systems.
Creator, curator and co-designer with the studio Kengo Kuma & Associated of the very first monographic traveling Italian exhibition on the work of the Japanese master.
Local Organizing Committee
Prof. Giuseppe Carrus
(Chairman of the Conference)
Luigi Alini
(Co-chairman of the Conference)
Carlo Castello
Eugenio De Gregorio
Stefano Mastandrea
Patrizia Pasolini
Ylenia Passiatore
Valeria Pennesi
Sabine Pirchio
Lorenza Tiberio
Steering Committee
Prof. Giuseppe Carrus
(Chairman of the Conference)
Luigi Alini
(Co-chairman of the Conference)
Terry Hartig
Stefano Mastandrea
Sabine Pahl
Sabine Pirchio
Wesley Schultz
Mathew White
Scientific Committee
Prof. Giuseppe Carrus
(Chairman of the Conference)
Luigi Alini
(Co-chairman of the Conference)
Juan Ignacio Aragones
Mehemet Efe Biresselioglu
Anna Contardi
Victor Corral Verdugo
Eugenio De Gregorio
Adina Dumitru
Edward Edgerton
Massimiliano Fiorucci
Ferdinando Fornara
Blanca Fraijo Sing
Martha Frías Armenta
Immo Fritsche
Birgitta Gatersleben
Ricardo Garcia Mira
Terry Hartig
Bernardo Hernandez
Florian Kaiser
Christian A. Klöckner
Andrea Kollmann
Fridanna Maricchiolo
Torsten Masson
Stefano Mastandrea
Taciano Milfont
Claudio Navarini
Oscar Navarro Carrascal
Sabine Pahl
Angelo Panno
Ylenia Passiatore
Raquel Pérez López
Sabine Pirchio
Lucia Poggio
César Tapia Fonllem
Lorenza Tiberio
Jens Olgard Dalseth Røyrvik
Wesley Schultz
Massimiliano Scopelliti
Verónica Sevillano
Henk Staats
Linda Steg
Agnes Van den Berg
Mathew White